Utility Management Solutions
Improve visibility into key elements of utilities operations at the shower level.
Smarter and more connected energy efficient products
Hotel owners, especially those that have a national footprint, need insight into their building portfolio’s water and energy consumption. Utilities represent 85% of operating costs at most economy hotels, with showers being the second highest cost center after air-conditioning. Shower Stream helps facilities managers identify ways to improve cost control and operations through data driven strategies. Our device is universally compatible, making sophisticated utility management possible with existing equipment. It automatically connects to wifi and starts gathering the information in a curated personal dashboard.

Monthly reports reveal energy efficiency opportunities
Big data insights help facilities managers and operation directors collect and access energy and water information across their portfolio. Shower Stream is an advanced utility management tool for better visibility and efficiency that reduces costs and even increases access to additional revenue streams.
Gather the water and energy usage data that you need in order to participate in incentive programs and SBA 504 loans.
Identify regions in your portfolio that have higher utility costs and are draining your operating capital.
Discover guest behavioral data and running water statistics on an individual shower basis.
Gain access to local rebates with Shower Stream's advanced water and energy saving device.
Detect high demand water periods and plan resource allocation to meet them more efficiently.
Illustrate effectiveness of sustainability strategies and progress towards corporate goals.
Do you know what energy efficiency rebates are in your area?
Shower Stream is an effective utility management solution that helps track demand, forecast utility costs and enable regional incentives. Discover region specific savings within your hotel portfolio.
Receive up to $10,000
dollars in rebate savings per building in select areas
Big data insights minimize avoidable water waste costs
Bathrooms are the largest source of guest-generated expenses and damage for hotels, and most of it takes place in the shower. Our big data insights provide hotel owners with a better understanding of their guests’ habits and how to minimize costs associated with behavioral water waste. Our web-connected IoT devices offer hotel owners a utility management solution that not only reduces energy and water usage but also identifies predictive maintenance needs down to the shower level before water problems lead to significant damage or unnecessary wear and tear on bathroom facilities.

Hotel shower warm up waste amounts to 2.3Bn kwh of energy in the us every year